All appointments will be done in the comfort of your own home, which will allow your pet relax in a familiar environment. When booking appointments, you will be given an arrival window of one hour. Travel charges are calculated based on the distance traveled to your home. Please contact Willow Point for an accurate cost. Discounted travel charges are available if a group would like to scheduled back-to-back appointments at the same location.
First time patient consultation appointments will generally last an hour and a half to two hours. Subsequent appointments generally last an hour to an hour and a half. A history will be obtained, followed by a brief physical exam and acupuncture treatment. If indicated, additional treatment with aquapuncture, hemopuncture, or electroacupuncture may be performed. Once treatment is completed, your pet should be allowed to rest for the remainder of the day. Many patients will be more relaxed and even sleepier for a day or two following acupuncture treatment.